6 Benefits of Mint Leaves For Face Care

Some experts call the mint leaf is a leaf that has the most antioxidant properties compared to other plants. Anti-oxidant properties is what allows the mint leaves are also useful to overcome various facial skin problems. If you have read the benefits of menthol for the face, then you will know the many benefits of this plant, especially the leaves for facial beauty.

1. Overcoming acne

Mint leaves can be used to overcome the problems of oily skin such as acne and bruntusan. Mint leaves make acne become calm. If you have severe acne problems, mint leaf toner will ease acne and throb. Mint leaves are also able to relieve pink and inflamed pimples. In the treatment after acne, this toner is also able to fade black stains due to acne and restore the skin to become bright acne-free.

Ingredients: mint leaves, rose water, lemon, and water.

Ways of making :

- Heat a handful of fresh mint leaves with a glass of water on a small flame for 5 minutes. The use of small fires is done so that the mint extract does not evaporate out.

-After 5 minutes, remove from the stove. Allow to cool completely.

-Add 4 tablespoons rose water and juice of 1/2 lemon. Do not forget lemon juice is filtered first to clear. Stir in a mixture of mint leaf water, rose water, and lemon juice until well blended.

-Enter the toner into the bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

How to use: use like toner usage in general.

- Pour the toner on the cotton.

- Apply cotton on face slowly from bottom to top.

-Use twice a day for best results.
You can use this toner after cleansing and before applying your moisturizer, serum, or essence.

2. Cream to deflate inflamed acne.

Ingredients: mint and tomato leaves.

Ways of making :

-Create a mixture of mint leaf juice with tomato juice.
Stir well.

How to use :

Apply a mixture of tomato juice and mint juice on inflamed pimples.
This mixture can also be used to fade away the faded acne spots.

3. Eliminate panda eyes

Panda eyes are certainly very disturbing appearance because it makes the face look dull and not fresh. Mint leaf juice and rose water are useful to soothe swollen eyes, brighten the lower part of the eyes, and fade the area around the darkening eyes.

Ingredients: mint leaves and rose water.

Ways of making :

-Blender leaf mint with a little water.

-Screen the mint leaf juice. Enter in a small bowl container.

-Add 4 tablespoons rose water into the bowl. Stir well.

-Save the mixture in the refrigerator for about 1 hour or until the mixture cools.

How to use :

Wet two pieces of cotton with a mixture of mint leaves and rose water.

Put the cotton on the closed eye to compress the eye.

-Let for about 15 minutes.

-Rinse and clean the eye area with cold water.

4. Face Scrub to remove dead skin cells.

The mint leaves can also be used to remove dead skin cells and shrink the pores. Exfoliate by using mint leaves is able to remove dull skin, improve skin tone and make the skin healthy. The content of milk and honey in it also menjada moisturize the skin and prevent the skin becomes dry, so the skin feels smooth and soft.

Ingredients: dried mint leaves, milk, and honey.

Ways of making :

-Mix 2 tablespoons dried mint leaves, 1 tablespoon milk, and 1 tablespoon honey in a small bowl.

-Eat all the ingredients until smooth and become pasta-shaped.

-You can also make exfoliating scrub of mint leaves with other mixture.For example by mixing the juice of mint leaves with oatmeal until the form of pasta. (Read also: the benefits of oatmeal for sensitive faces).

How to use :

-Get a little paste of mint leaves using hands that have been moistened with warm water.

-Massage - massage the face area slowly using the scrubs on the fingers.

-Passage with a circular motion for 2 minutes or sufficiently.

-Clean face with cold water to shrink the pores of the facial skin.
You can exfoliate 1-2 times a week.

5.Reduce blackheads

Mint leaves are also effective to overcome the problem of oily skin owner other than acne, that is blackheads. Simply by utilizing the mint leaves, you do not need to bother facials in the salon again. The use of mint leaves is also useful to shrink the pores.

6. Overcoming the problems of aging on facial skin

Mint leaves can be utilized to overcome the problem of skin aging such as wrinkles. Aging is also experienced by many young women due to the cause of skin wrinkles at a young age. The mint leaf mask can be used to fade wrinkles and get a younger look instantly.

Ingredients: mint leaf, egg white, kaolin powder, and water.

Ways of making :

- Soak a handful of mint leaves into the water for 30 minutes.
-The water filter for the mint leaves.
-Add the egg whites and kaolin powder.
-Stir well.

How to use :

- Apply on face evenly.
-Let for 15 minutes.
-Rinse and clean with water.
-To remove the black spots caused by aging, you can also apply a mixture of mint leaf juice with cucumber juice. Apply the mixture to the area that has black spots.

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