becareful This trivial habit can cause blackening lips

becareful This trivial habit can cause blackening lips

One bad habit that is pretty much done by women, peeling the skin of the lips. Usually this is done when the lips feel dry and broken, or even just when it's fun. Duh.

But you know, if the habit of peeling the skin of the lips does not have a good impact on health, even beauty. There are at least 3 side effects of lip peeling habits.

Cause Irritations and Wounds
Avoid peeling the skin of the lips when the lips are dry and cracked. The skin of the lips itself has a thin and sensitive layer, so that when the lips are peeled it will cause injury and irritation.

Blackened lips

Another consequence arising from frequent peeling of the skin of the lips is that the lips will blacken. Scars from the skin of the lips that are peeling off are the main factors that make the lips become discolored.

Lipstick Not Perfect

When the skin of the lips is often peeled off, the surface of our lips becomes uneven. This makes lipstick products like lipstick can't stick perfectly to the lips. In addition, the scars from peeling will also make the lipstick less attached to the lips.

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