Causes of Pores of a Large Person's Skin and Handling Method

Causes of Pores of a Large Person's Skin and Handling Method

The owner of large porous facial skin is often less confident because the face looks less smooth, oily, and the rash is rather dull. The causes vary.

Skin specialist and teaching staff of skin and genital health at the Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University, dr. Inneke Jane Hidajat, Sp. KK, M.Kes said, genetic factors, hormonal factors, excess sebum or oil production, inflamed zits, and the aging process could underlie the size of a person's skin pores.

The various treatment methods available on the market like to include frills can overcome the problem of large pores. But according to Inneke, you must be careful. The cause of the pores of a person's skin can be large, so the handling is different.
What must be done is to treat the skin properly so that the pores are no bigger or do special care at the beauty clinic to disguise it. For example, the IPL (intense pulse light) method is a laser technique to reduce pores due to acne or genetic factors. Of course it's not cheap. This must also be accompanied by painstaking facial skin care in the future or enlarged pores.
dr. Inneke Jane Hidajat, Sp. KK, M.Kes
"Daily care products for large skin pores must also be adjusted to the factors that contribute to the patient. For example, if large pores are caused by excess sebum production, use care products that do not contain high oil levels. Use a product or drug whose ingredients can reduce sebum production such as niacinamide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. For this, you should also consult a doctor, because if not, it can cause irritation, "said Dr. Inneke.

Also pay attention to the food you consume. Certain types of food can trigger oil production and enlarge the pores.

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