How to Choose Color Lipstick that Matches Skin Color

How to Choose Color Lipstick that Matches Skin Color Pink, red, purple, nude, brown, orange, black, peach, blue, black ... So many colors are available for lipstick, it seems impossible to mention one by one, because the color lipstick indeed unlimited.
Imagine, for the color pink pink pink only, pink magenta, pink highlighter, and many more. And this is not just for the pink color, but it applies to all colors! This may be a bit confusing if you are still a beginner in the make up field. The colors on the lipstick are very interesting. However, not all colors will look right on your lips. This is influenced by the basic color of your skin. Have you read how to differentiate the basic skin color of the article on choosing foundation? If not, Bacaterus will explain it again here, because the first step how to choose the right lipstick color is to know the basic color of your skin


The base color is not determined by visible skin tones, such as lighter or darker, but is categorized into three with the color of the blood vessels as a comparison, namely: cool, neutral, and warm. To be able to know the basic color of your skin, bask in the sun directly, then see the veins on your face or veins. The basic color of cool skin is for people with blue or purple blood vessels. The average owner of the basic skin color is cool, the skin looks more pale and bright. Usually the owners are Europeans, Americans, and surrounding areas.
If the skin of the owner of this base color is exposed to direct sunlight will be flushed. Another feature is on the skin there are freckles and skin flammable if exposed to direct sunlight.
The basic color of neutral skin is for people with green to blue blood vessels. The average owner of the basic skin color is neutral, the skin looks slightly yellow to brown. Usually the owner is an Asian, Australia, and surrounding areas. If the skin of the owner of this basic color is exposed to direct sunlight the color of his skin will be slightly flushed.
Finally, the basic color of warm skin is for people with blood vessels that are not very clear blue or green. Usually the owners are Papua New Guineans, Indians, Africans, and surrounding areas. If the skin of the owner of this base color is exposed to direct sunlight the color of the skin will look bronze sparkling.


Actually choose the color of lipstick that suits you not necessarily have to follow the basic skin color. It's just that, to get the best appearance, you should follow How to Choose the Color Lipstick below.
- Basic Color of Cool Skin
 Can be seen on the picture, lipstick color that is suitable for cool skin base color found in Fair table. If you are fair skin, to get a natural look, try to use natural lipstick colors such as pink, pink pastel, or pink magenta.To get a simple look, use nude color lipstick (skin color), coral, beige, or peach. To get a sexy look, use bright red lipstick, maroon, red to brown.
- Basic Color of Neutral Skin
Please note the picture above, the color of lipstick that is suitable for the basic skin color of neutral contained in the table Medium. If your skin looks yellow, to get a natural look, you are fit to use pink and pink-peach lipstick. To get a simple look, use soft peach color lipstick until dark peach. To get sexy look, use bright red lipstick or bright orange.

-Whole Basic Leather Warm
  For the basic colors of warm skin actually has some shade, ranging from brown to tan, tan, dark brown, to black. If you are tan and tan, use dark pastel pink or pink high-purity lipstick for natural look. If you want a simple but luxurious appearance, use a light brown lipstick to a dark peach. Finally, to get a sexy appearance, it is recommended to use magenta purple and reddish-brown lipstick. These are the colors that are suitable for tan and tan skin.

-If you are dark brown to black, to get a natural look, 
use a purple or purple lipstick. The color will look very well with your skin. To get a simple appearance, use a light brown to brown lipstick. Lastly, if you want to get a sexy look, use reddish-purple lipstick and bright brick. These are the colors of lipstick that are suitable for dark skin. Because the color and shade of lipstick is unlimited, you may be a little confused with red, maroon, red brick, and other red. Therefore, Bacaterus will give an example of which red color is suitable for your skin's basic color:

-People with a cool, pale-white leather base color will match red, non-glowing red lipstick, like red-coral or red-raspberry, or burgundy.
- People with a basic skin color neutral will match the lip color of strong red or red-pink.
-The person with the warm skin base color will match the bright red, light red, or cherry red lipstick. Red-orange lipstick is also suitable for brown skin. That's how to choose the color of lipstick in accordance with the basic color of your skin. Even though I've provided feedback, in the end it's all back to you. If you are confident, all colors will look right on you. So do not stop exploring just for fear of not matching. Congratulations to beautify yourself with lipstick.

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