WHY white skin much coveted, not a few women who choose brown skin. If you are interested in following it, this can be tried.
Brown skin does not always look dull. Precisely, the appearance of brown on the skin can raise the exotic side of the owner. In addition to tanning, eating some food support can succeed your intention to make brown skin.
Here's a list of foods that make skin brown :
Better to consume raw carrots rather than ripe carrots to make the skin brown. Make carrot or carrot juice. Betakaroten on carrots helps the skin to brown quickly. For those of you who do not like carrots, some pharmacies sell beta-carotene capsules.
Apricots help provide a golden brown color for the skin. By eating two small apricots in the morning at breakfast, it is guaranteed that apricot-containing betacarotene can activate melanin, a chocolate-causing cell.
Strawberries and cherries
Strawberries and cherries are high in vitamin C which prevents aging and protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, as well as improves skin quality.
Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which has a healing effect on the skin, enabling cells to regenerate well and slow down the arrival of the first wrinkles. Use olive oil when cooking meat or making a salad.
Egg yolks are rich in vitamin A. Eat once or twice a week. Eggs are also rich in refreshing minerals and turn on the skin.
Drink a few glasses of water every day to keep skin moist, elastic, and not dry
Coconut oil
will be absorbed fairly quickly by the skin and energize the layers that produce melanin beneath the skin surface. So, Naia's Companions only need to spend less time in the hot sun.
So, friends BEAUTY TODAY already know dong various advantages of coconut oil than packaging products in terms of making beautiful skin and brown shine .. Good luck!