The surprising benefits of tomatoes for beauty

You are certainly familiar with tomatoes. This one fruit is often used in salads and is known to contain many vitamins, minerals, and healthy antioxidants. But not only that, the tomato also has amazing benefits for beauty.

1. Cleans the skin
Destroy one tomato and one avocado, then use as a face mask. Leave on for 15 - 20 minutes. Tomatoes can help provide and restore skin moisture. After that, wash with warm water. Since the tomato contains an acidic substance, you should try first on a small part of the skin and look at the reaction. If it burns, do not use it.

2. Decrease the pores
Mix one tablespoon of tomato juice and two drops of lemon juice in a bowl. Then dip the cotton and apply it on the face in a circular motion. After 10 minutes, wash your face with cold water.

3. Overcoming acne
The acid in the tomato is strong enough to clear acne and black spots. Destroy the tomatoes, then apply on the acne area and leave for 30 minutes. Do this every day for two weeks. You will see the results.

4. Overcoming oily skin
By doing the routine on number three above, you can also cope with oily skin. Vitamins C and A, as well as amino acids in tomatoes are known to reduce oil levels on the skin.

5. Heals skin burn
Being under the sun for too long can make skin burn? Overcome by using a mixture of tomatoes and yogurt. Destroy the tomatoes and mix them with yogurt, then apply on the burning skin.

6. Makes skin glow
Want to shine more skin within 15 minutes? Easy! Just provide tomato juice and mix it with honey until a little thick. Afterwards, make a face mask. Leave for a moment before rinsing thoroughly.

7. Overcoming itchy and dry hair
Create conditioner with tomato base material. When finished shampooing, give the tomatoes on the hair then leave for up to five minutes. The tomato conditioner will overcome the dryness of the scalp and hair. Afterwards rinse with cold water.

Those are some of the beauty benefits of tomatoes. So, do not hesitate to use this one fruit to care for the skin, hair, and maintain health

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