Benefits of face mask with rice flour

The main ingredient of rice flour
Before making the face mask, let us find out first what the benefits and efficacy of rice flour mask for facial skin. The benefits of rice flour mask include:

Benefits Rice Flour Mask
- Can whiten and brighten the skin naturally without any side effects
- Maintains the smoothness and moisture of facial skin from ultraviolet rays that cause dry and dull skin
- Overcoming excessive oil content on facial skin
-Creating a face will look cleaner and smoother without acne scars.
-Lifting dead skin cells and black spots while fading acne scars and regenerating skin cells.
Use good quality rice flour and guaranteed cleanliness, or you can make it directly from the rice of your choice good quality to be a facial mask. In addition to using basic ingredients of rice flour you can also combine it with other alamin ingredients that are good for skin health such as pure honey, olive oil, lemon or lemon juice, egg whites and yogurt. All these natural ingredients are very good for treating your facial skin health.
1. Pure Rice Flour Mask
With the basic ingredients of rice flour alone you can immediately create a natural face mask that can take care of your facial skin. for rice flour you can by destroying one head of rice using ulekan or in blender crusher. You can also buy rice flour ready. But it must be based of good quality and rice to be guaranteed cleanliness.
Let the mask stick to the face for 30 minutes
Prepare 1-2 tablespoons of rice flour and add a little hot water and stir until thickened like pasta. After that, you can directly use it as a face mask. But before washing face first to clean the dust and dirt on the skin of the face so as not to block the absorption of nutrients in the pores of the skin.
Apply a mask to the surface area of ​​the facial skin with a flat while given a fine massage to smooth blood circulation in the facial skin area for absorption of nutrients in the skin perfect face.
Clean back your face from the rest of the mask attached to the face by using clean water. And finish.Use this rice flour mask with routine 2 times a day to treat your facial skin.

2. Rice Flour Mask With Pure Honey.
To complement your skin's nutritional needs you can mix other natural ingredients on a rice flour mask. The first one you can add pure honey for additional. How to make Prepare 1-2 tablespoons of good quality rice flour and 1 tablespoon of pure honey then add a little hot water and stir until both ingredients are well blended like pasta dough (not too thin and not too thick) Wash your face before using it to clean from dirt and dirt on the surface of facial skin. Apply the mask to the entire surface of the skin until smooth and wait a few minutes until the mask dries and tight then clean your face back with water until clean of the remnants of masks attached to the skin of the face Use this mask 2 times a day morning and night before bed regularly in order to get maximum results. For other natural ingredients you would like to combine with the rice flour the making step and how to use it are similar to the above steps.
3. The combination of rice flour and egg white.
Use 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with a rice flour mask. Use 1 chicken egg and take the egg white just to make mask.
4. Combination of rice flour with lemon or lime.
Use 1 fresh and bright yellow lemon and squeeze the water to mix with a rice flour mask. Or with a lemon that has a lot of water.
5. Combination of rice flour with olive oil.
6. Combination of rice flour with yoghurt.
So a quick review of the benefits, how to create and use Rice Flour Mask may be useful and good luck!
Add 1-2 tablespoons of barley yoghurt then mix with rice flour mask until blended

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