benefits of papaya mask for beauty

1. Overcoming and Eliminating Acne

In order to maximize the performance, add other ingredients such as lemon and honey which also has the property to maintain the beauty of facial skin. To make it, mix about one quarter of a papaya with one tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. You can soften it naturally or use a blender. Then, apply papaya paste on a cleaned face. Let stand for about 20 minutes before cleaned with clean water to benefit the papaya mask for the skin feels strong.

2. Moisturize Facial Skin

Like the previous points, you can mix papaya with cucumbers and bananas to make a natural mask. With these ingredients, you can restore skin moisture that slowly decreases with age or other factors such as sun exposure and stress. After mixing and refine the ingredients until evenly distributed, apply to the entire facial skin and let stand about 20 minutes. Then, rinse with clean water and dry using a dry towel. Do it regularly at least 2 to 3 times a week to moisturize your facial skin.

3. Shrinking Pore Size

Large pores will invite a lot of trouble due to the buildup of dirt in it. If you let, the clogged pores were turned into blackheads until the acne. To prevent before it happens, you can mix papaya with egg white until it becomes a paste. Then, baluri your facial skin with the mask until completely uniform. If it is, rinse with water after the mask is idle for 20 minutes. Regular use will make the pores shrink.

4. Helps Rejuvenate Facial Skin

The benefits of papaya mask for the next facial skin is to restore skin youthfulness. The ingredients more than other masks. You have to mix a quarter of a papaya with three teaspoons of rice reps, a quarter of honey, and three teaspoons of organic yoghurt. Then after mixed evenly, apply on facial skin. Allow the mask for about 20 minutes until the ingredients are absorbed. Then, wipe your face with clean water and dry it with a towel.

5. Make Skin Face Brighter

Bright faces are a sign of healthy skin. To get it was not a difficult case, because there is a papaya mask that can do it. The trick is to mix a quarter of a papaya with one teaspoon of fresh pineapple juice and milk to taste. Then apply it evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes. Next, rinse with clean water. In this case, the efficacy of papaya for the skin will be aided by milk that has long been known for its benefits in restoring the brightness of the skin.

6. Papaya Mask for sensitive skin

In general, half-cooked papaya fruit is very good used as a beauty treatment material because it contains high papain, but especially for sensitive skin should use ripe papaya because raw papaya still contain latex that may not be good for your skin. We recommend that you do a patch test first before applying a papaya mask to your skin to see if there is an allergic reaction or not, if no problem then you can use it.

7. Mask papaya to cleanse the skin

The rest of the makeup that is not cleaned completely can cause problems to your skin, such as clogging pores and so on. To clean your facial skin requires a safe natural ingredients at the same time can work optimally like papaya. Papaya contains high essential nutrients that are very good for cleansing the face of the rest of the makeup and also the dead skin cells.

8. Accelerate wound healing of the skin

If you have had skin injuries like burns and bruises you can use a papaya mask to remove them. Papain enzyme content in papaya fruit not only helps in wound healing, but also reduces the possibility of scarring after healed. Not only that, the enzyme in papaya is also useful to remove bacteria in the wound so as to prevent it from infection.

9. Mask papaya to reduce aging

Using a papaya mask to the facial skin can help delay the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Papain enzyme in papaya fruit is known to reduce wrinkles and decreased elasticity of facial skin.

10. Mask papaya to remove dead skin cells

Dead skin cells that accumulate can remove the light on your facial skin. Not to mention dead cells can also clog the pores that will eventually cause acne. You can remove it by using a papaya mask to your skin regularly at least twice a week. In addition useful to get rid of dead skin cells papaya mask is also beneficial rejuvenate the skin naturally.
Using natural ingredients such as papaya is minimal to side effects. However, you also have to do a consistent treatment for the benefits of papaya mask for quick facial skin feels and also with regular exercise.

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