benefits of carrots for the face and skin beauty

1. Brighten Skin Face

Consumption of adequate fruits and vegetables is one of many ways to treat the skin so as not to dull, apart from the use of moisturizer for dry and dull skin. In addition, by wearing a face mask from carrots and honey to treat the face. Honey is not only efficacious for facial skin care, but also for lip care. How to redden lips and natural way of lips can also be through the use of honey.

2. Skin Relaxation

Tired skin due to frequent exposure to pollution, dust or work-related stress and daily problems can be treated using the benefits of carrots for the skin. How to destroy the carrots that have been peeled into a thick paste using a blender. Then mix the carrot paste with a little rose water, then put it into a spray bottle. Use when the face feels tired. The benefits of warm water for the face and benefits of bengkoang for the skin can also provide a relaxing effect for the skin.

3. Moisturize Faces

Dry skin can make skin irritated and peeling. Potassium content in carrots can brighten the skin, how to drink carrot juice every day. In addition to the benefits of carrots to moisturize the skin, aloe vera benefits for facial skin also has the same effect on the skin.

4. Accelerate Wound Healing

Carrots have anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties, and their vitamin E content can greatly help rapid wound healing. Therefore, carrot is one way to eliminate scars naturally. The wound can be one of the causes of keloids and how to treat keloid naturally and can quickly use the benefits of carrots to improve the skin condition of the body to reduce the risk of keloid appearance on the scar.

5. Eliminate Stains on the Skin

Acne scars on the skin or black spots sometimes difficult to remove and difficult to cover with a thin makeup. It takes a thick makeup to correct the stains, the result looks unnatural. So that the face looks more smooth, carrots can also remove the stains on the skin like black spots and uneven skin color. Carrots can also be a way of eliminating black spots caused by injecting KB by wearing it as one mask for dry skin and black spots.

6. Overcoming Oily Faces

Excessive oil can make the face so shiny and difficult to maintain makeup for a long time, because the oil is very easy to fade makeup. The causes vary, for example often sleeping late, eating too much gorengan, and others. Carrot is one way to overcome oily face. Excess oil content in the face can be overcome with a mask of carrots mixed with honey and olive oil. Before smoothing, carrots must be steamed first, so that the texture becomes smooth. Mask texture is still rough will make the face more oily.

7. Prevent Skin Problems

The content of antioxidants in carrots can prevent the occurrence of skin diseases other than acne such as eczema, dermatitis, skin rashes. The benefits of carrots to overcome the itching of the skin also have similarities with the benefits of cinnamon powder for the face. The benefits of yellow leaves for the face can also solve the problem of eczema.

8. Whiten Skin Body, Hands and Feet

As one of the tips to skin becomes white naturally, there are two ways to use carrots as skin whitening:

The first is to mix it with body lotion. Every one tablespoon body lotion is mixed with one medium grated carrot and then applied to hands or feet for 30 minutes, then rinse.
The second is to use carrots as a scrub. Take some carrots and puree with grated or using a blender. Then mixed with two tablespoons of milk powder, after a fine mixture is applied throughout the body. Allow about half an hour. It is best to do both treatments before taking a bath so that it is easy to clean

9. Eliminate Acne

The content of vitamin A in carrots improves the digestion of the body, thereby also facilitating the flow of blood in the body thereby reducing the risk of acne and reduce inflammation in acne. To eliminate the problem of acne can be by some other means such as using the benefits of mint leaves for the face.

10. Tighten the Skin

Vitamin C contained in the benefits of carrots for the skin helps increase the production of collagen in the body so as to maintain firmness and suppleness of the skin. In simple ways such as drinking carrot juice and wearing a carrot face mask regularly can boost collagen in the body and do not need to try more sophisticated solutions and cost more, such as collagen injections that can not be separated from the risk of injection of collagen injections can happen to your body.

11. Prevent Premature Aging

The content of beta carotene in the body that serves as a source of antioxidants helps slow the aging of the cells so the skin becomes not easy to experience wrinkles. Sun exposure too often is one of the causes of wrinkles at a young age. By diligently eating carrot juice or using it as a face mask, carrot is one way to overcome wrinkles on the face naturally and one way to prevent premature aging on the face.

12. As an Antioxidant

The orange color of this carrot comes from the content of beta carotene which is one of the sources of anti-oxidants in the body. Beta carotene absorbed intestines will be converted into vitamin A through the process of digestion. Antioxidants are also one of the benefits of Moringa leaves for beauty.

Skin care using carrots must also be supported with a healthy lifestyle and diet, and diligent exercise. This treatment will not work best on your body if you still lack nutritional intake, nutrition and especially water, frequent night sleep, smoking and a series of bad habits for other health. So to get the desired results, your lifestyle must also support for the treatment to successfully give you beautiful skin.

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