8 Natural Materials for Healthy Nails

Maybe any Minasan ever tried with this one material? Yes, garlic can take advantage of Minasan to overcome the fragile nails so that it becomes strong and not easily broken.

Take a piece of garlic that has been split in half. Rub garlic onto your nails, or it may be crushed and pasted on the nail. Let stand a few moments about 15-30 minutes and then release the pieces of onion attached to the nail. If you feel uncomfortable with the smell, wash with soap. Do it regularly to get beautiful and fragile nails.

2.Olive oil
Olive oil can be used to massage the fingers and nails Minasan, so that moisture awake.

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with lemon juice and rub it on your nails until evenly distributed. Not just just diusapkan, but do not forget to memijitnya slowly.

3.Lemon Water
Lemon water helps Minasan that often color the nails so Minasan nails do not become dull.

If your nails become brittle due to overuse of nail polish, try natural treatments with the help of lemon water. Squeeze one lemon and apply on the nails with the help of cotton.

4.Vitamin E and Honey
Honey is a lot of benefits. One of them for Minasan nail health. Combine with vitamin E will be doubled also usefulness.

If both of these ingredients are ready, mix vitamin E with Honey then apply on the nail. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water and see the results. Do it this way with a daily routine then you will get satisfactory results.

6.Nail Cream
Applying nail cream every night before bedtime also helps to keep Minah nails healthy and not fragile.

Moisturizing the nails with nail cream is one way to nourish brittle nails. Apply nail cream every night on your nails before bed. It can nourish the health of your nails and make them healthier.

7.aloe vera
Aloe vera or aloe vera can make the nail Minasan more shiny.

Vitamins contain yanng in this aloe vera, able to make our nails become clear and shiny. The trick is easy, by taking a tongue of aloe, cleaned first, and apply the sap on our nails. Instead, use it regularly, then in about a week, slowly our nails will look clear.

If Minasan nails look dull, then soak Minasan nails in a mixture of warm water and lime.

Lime is very useful to make nails become not dull and healthy. The trick is also very easy, just by soaking the nails with warm water that has been mixed with lime for a few minutes. After that dry the nails with a towel or handkerchief. You should do it regularly so that your nails become more healthy and shiny

9.Coconut oil
Coconut oil functions for blood circulation in Minasan's hands and moisturizes and strengthens the nails so as not to fragile easily.

Way, prepare a spoon of coconut oil and mix it with warm water. Apply to your nails then massage slowly. In addition to improving the blood circulation in your hands, coconut oil has a very important role for your nails that moisturize and strengthen so that the nails are not easily brittle.

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