5 Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit For Beauty Skin

Here are some benefits of red dragon fruit for beauty.

1.Can be useful to soften and moisturize the skin
In the content of red dragon fruit rich in vitamin B3, this vitamin is useful to moisturize various skin types, but it also can smooth the rough skin.

How to use:

First of all we prepare dragon fruit of medium size, after that dragon fruit in first cleaned then blender with added ½ glass of water. If the dragon fruit has been smooth, then filter and discard the dregs. After that apply to all facial skin, neck skin and if you want can be applied all over your body. For maximum results, you can perform this skin care once a week regularly and regularly.

2.May be useful to prevent premature aging
In addition to moisturize and smooth the skin, red dragon fruit can prevent the onset of premature aging. This is because the dragon fruit contain vitamin E and betacarote useful to inhibit the growth of bad cells that can cause premature aging.
The trick is:

Prepare the red dragon fruit and then clean it first, after that blender with an additional give ½ glass of water until smooth. after that add also 1 spoon of yogurt then stir until mixed evenly. Then apply to the entire facial skin and neck that had been cleaned first until evenly, then let stand about 30 minutes for the dragon fruit extract can seep perfectly. Next clean with warm water, do this treatment regularly and regularly once a week for maximum results.

3. Can be useful to prevent and eliminate acne
The trick is:

The way is the same way to moisturize and take the skin, do the treatment regularly every night for acne quickly dry and disappear.

4. Can be useful for treating skin burns
The trick is:

The dragon fruit is squeezed and then the water is taken, then add 1 spoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cucumber water then stir until all mixed evenly. After that, apply the herb on the burned skin then let it dry. Do this treatment until healed with the rules used 2 times a day.

5. Can be useful to protect skin from sunburn
The trick is:

Take the juice of dragon fruit, then apply all over the facial skin. Allow a few moments for the content contained in the dragon fruit to seep, after dry clean with cold water. Perform this treatment regularly every time you are going out of the house.
That's the 5 benefits of red dragon fruit for beauty, and hopefully the above info can be useful for anyone who cares about the beauty of the face by utilizing red dragon fruit.

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