Natural products will give a warm feeling and hydrate the skin so that the natural moisture is maintained. Want beautiful inside out and youthful right?
Well, here are some easy recipes you can get to get beautiful skin without the need for expensive.
1.Native coconut oil from coconut milk cooked to remove oil
2.Almond oil from almonds instead of honey beans let alone pea garuda
3.Cocoa butter or cocoa butter-like fat.
Essential oil derived from lavender flowers
Note: if it is difficult to make your own ingredients above, just buy that is ready. Much of it in the market.
Mix each 1 tablespoon of oil-type ingredients and the tip of a cocoa butter spoon. If less creamy you can add each ingredient as needed until you meet a soft and well mixed dough. Wear it day and night before bed. The way apply a thin layer just like you wear facial moisturizer.
What's the point? All of the above ingredients when combined into a moisturizer will be a natural product that is anti-aging, eliminating acne, as an antioxidant, and rich in vitamin E. So, your skin will look fresh and moist.
In addition to moisturizing cream on top there is again a beautiful recipe with a natural ingredients are:
1. Olive oil 2 tablespoons, well it's really famous for beauty yes.
2. Coconut oil 2 tablespoons
3.Beeswax ½ teaspoon aja. Beeswax is a product derived from bees, can be obtained diapotik.
4. Oil vitamin E but this option aja ya. No pake okay too.
The way is same as above all mix, mix so one let them friendship. The same way of life can be used day and night before bed. The benefits are also not far away from the first recipe.