Don't Apply These 5 Things As a Face Mask

Be careful, do not carelessly apply a face mask. So far many people think that treating facial skin with natural ingredients is safer and does not cause side effects. Not only that, a variety of natural ingredients that do not contain many chemicals and drain the wallet make natural masks become the choice of many people.

But did you know that you should also be careful about using natural ingredients as a mask, because some natural ingredients can be harmful to the skin even though the contents are healthy. Dermatologis Mona Gohara, M.D. in Women 's reveals that these natural ingredients are what you should be aware of.

1. Lemon

You must have often heard that lemon is a super natural ingredient that can beautify facial skin, either removing pimples, scars, smoothing, moisturizing or nourishing so that it is bright and healthy. But you have to be careful, you can't just rub lemon juice or lemon juice directly into your face because of the painful effect.

The vitamin C content is good but the acidity level is high enough that it can cause inflammation, irritation in thin and sensitive facial skin. Lemon water can even cause sunburn if exposed to sunlight. It is better to mix lemon juice with a little water so that it doesn't get too strong in acid so it doesn't hurt on the skin.

 2. Mayonaise

Mayonaise is known to moisturize dry and dull skin due to its egg content. But unfortunately mayonnaise can not be used as a regular mask because of the content of fat and oil that can clog pores. If your skin is prone to acne or acne-prone, the skin becomes more oily and at risk of acne.

3. Alcohol
Alcohol does have anti-bacterial properties, can clean and cool on the skin. But unfortunately applying alcohol to the face can be dangerous. If you have oily or combination skin types, you might think it can make the skin tight and clean instantly.

But unfortunately, this method is too hard for the skin. Applying alcohol to the skin instead of being a skin cleanser will actually erode the layers of natural lipids, proteins and fats in the skin, which act as a protector, causing skin to thin out and be prone to inflammation. So you should stop the habit of cleaning the skin with alcohol.

4. Baking Soda

You may have read that baking soda can not only clean kitchen utensils and various lifehack needs at home, but can also be used to deal with facial acne. Because it is believed baking soda can reduce oil on the skin and remove dead cells in the skin. Its use can be used as a mask or scrub. But unfortunately alkaline baking soda can change the skin's natural pH so that it thinns the skin layer and causes bacteria to develop easily and dirt easily sticks. It can even cause hot skin to burn.

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