How To Overcome Dry Facial Skin

How To Overcome Dry Facial Skin

How To Overcome Dry Skin Naturally

1. Fruit avocado, banana and papaya

Fruit avocado, banana and papaya other than famous for its fiber is good for digestion, it turns out these three fruit has the benefits for beauty one of them is overcome dry skin.

You can use alpuket, banana and papaya fruit as a natural mask to prevent dry skin. The way is quite easy, namely alpuket fruit, banana and papaya are cooked in mixed into one. After that mash the fruit mixture until smooth.
If it is smooth, apply on body parts such as hands, feet, neck, face and other dry skin areas. After that leave for about 15 minutes to dry. Rinse with warm water. For optimal results, do it twice a week.

2. Apple

Apple is famous for its benefits that can rejuvenate the skin, thus making the skin stay healthy. In the apple fruit contains potassium and tannin substances that are useful to keep the skin moisture so that the skin does not dry easily and make the skin stay shining.

In order for your skin to stay healthy, you can use apples as a medicine to overcome dry skin. The trick is very easy, namely the apple grate, then the dregs from the grated is applied to the body or dry skin. If it's 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber has a substance that is good for skin health. That's why many beauty products use cucumber as the main ingredient. If you are experiencing dry skin, do not need to use beauty products with a decent price, simply by using the dregs of grated cucumber, then apply on the face or areas of dry skin.

Allow to absorb for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

4. Egg yolk

Eggs are not only used as foods rich in protein. Eggs can also be used as ingredients for hair and skin beauty. For those of you who have problems with the skin, especially dry skin, you can use egg yolk as an alternative to treat dry skin.

The trick is to mix 1 teaspoon egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons milk powder. Stir until evenly to form a paste. Apply on the body as well as other areas of dry skin. Let stand for approximately 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

5. Honey

Honey is well known for its benefits for both body and skin health. Honey has benefits in maintaining skin moisture and is able to brighten and brighten the skin. Even honey is often used as a remedy to keep the lips moist. Well, if you have dry skin, can use honey as a medicine.

The trick is to mix half a teaspoon of honey with a little rose water. Apply on dry areas of skin. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

6. Almond Oil

Want to have healthy skin beautiful and dry free? Almond oil is one of the most powerful alternatives. In addition to some of the above-mentioned ingredients, Almond oil is one of the best and most natural ingredients that have powerful benefits in dealing with skin problems, especially dry and cracked skin.

The trick is very easy, just apply a little almond oil on the face, dry skin area and even the whole body. Use before bath.

7. Lime

Lime is undoubtedly a benefit to skin health. Besides beneficial to treat acne, lemon works to cleanse the skin so the skin will look brighter.

In order to keep your skin healthy and not dry, use a mixture of lemon and alpuket fruit that has been mashed. Apply to dry skin, let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly using cold water.

Well, some natural way tips to overcome dry skin you can apply as a skin care treatment that does not need to spend a big budget.

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