5 Ways to Make Your Own Natural Perfume Easily

Who does not like perfume? Everyone will love it. Many people choose fragrances for everything related to their bodies, ranging from soap, shampoo, laundry soap, deodorizer, to the room. This is because obviously the unpleasant aroma is very disturbing.

In addition, the fragrance can improve mood or mood. This is disclosed by Will Andrews, chief researcher of perfumery laboratories at Procter & Gamble. He said, the smell of perfume is not just to make someone become fragrant and fragrant. However, it can make us feel more calm.
Good fragrance can be obtained through perfume. Unfortunately, the ingredients of perfume or perfume are often derived from toxic chemicals. These materials can have an impact on our body, such as dry skin, allergies, and headaches.

How to Make the Best Natural Perfume
The good news, now we can make perfume from natural materials so free from harmful substances. Take it easy, make it very easy. You just have to prepare the ingredients and then mix them. The fragrance that you make can also be customized with your favorite perfume scent.

Delicious right? So starting today, start making your own perfume. Still confused how to make it. Here are tips on making natural perfume.

1. Choose Fragrance perfume as you please
Actually to make perfume with any fragrance, there are the same standards when perfume perfume and the difference is the perfume extract that we use. In each perfume manufacture, the base material we use consists of 30 ml base oil (carrier oil), such as jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. Also provide mineral water 30 ml. mix both. In addition, you can also choose vanilla extract that does not contain sugar as the basic ingredients of perfume.

For perfume, use essential oil as much as 1 ml, the taste is up to you choose the fragrance that you like. In addition, you can also mix some types of essential oils according to your taste. Like, jasmine oil mixed with lemon oil, and sandalwood oil. You can also mix with the fragrance of roses and lavender. Every drop of this perfume is 10-20 drops.

Next, mix the basic ingredients and deodorizer into an empty bottle (may be a roll-on bottle or spray bottle). Shake the bottle slowly. After that, apply the perfume you make by applying it on the wrist or back of the ear. Next, use your perfume.

2. Flower Aroma Perfume

If you love the fragrance of roses, how to make this natural perfume you should try. The first thing you need to prepare is to prepare the materials and tools.

Materials and tools:

5 petals (Here I use roses, may be replaced with the type of flower according to your liking).
2 glasses of distilled water.
1 cup glass.
Panic aluminum.
Bottle of perfume is empty (to fill perfume).
If all the ingredients and tools are available, the steps we make certainly make it. Follow these steps to make the perfume that you create in accordance with the fragrance you want.
How to make:

Clean the roses. Cut the flowers are small.
Prepare a glass bowl and enter the rose and 2 cups of water into it. Cover with a thin cloth and let stand all night.
After sitting for one night, in the morning, put the water and flower mixture into the aluminum pot. Boil over low heat. Wait until it boils.
If the remaining water is low (less than 5 spoons), turn off the stove and leave to cool.
Once cool, strain the water and insert it into the bottle.
Yep. Done! Your perfume is finished and you can use it right away.

3. Perfume Potion Various Fragrance

Tips to make the next natural perfume is to make it from a mixture of various natural ingredients. The materials you need to prepare are as follows:


1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
3 drops of Cedarwood.
4 drops of Vetiver.
3 drops Ykang Ylang.
4 drops of Sandalwood.
8 drops of Frankincense.
6 drops of Roses.
10 drops of Lavender.
3 drops Blue Chamomile.
8 drops of Geranium.
5 drops of Bergamot.
3 drops Wild oranges.
5 drops Neroli.
After the natural ingredients are collected. Next is to discuss how to mix the ingredients above in a bottle of perfume. Here's how to make it:


Mix all the ingredients above in a small bottle of perfume gradually.
Enter slowly, such as vanilla extract, vedarwood, vetiver, ylang ylang, sandalwood, and frankincense.
After that, stir it evenly.
If it is perfectly mixed, then add the rose, lavender, blue chamomile, and geranium.
If it is mixed, the next thing we do is give a mixture of bergamot extract, wild orange, and neroli.
This perfume can actually be used directly. However, it would be better if it is stored first for a month in a sealed container. This is the goal for the materials to be mixed perfectly

4. Perfume Aroma Soap
To make it easier, you can also make perfume from soap. Prepare liquid soap and bottles for perfume. Then do the following:

The trick is:

Put three-quarters of the water into the spray bottle.
Enter the liquid soap (whatever free) with the fragrance you like (comparison: one spray of soap for water emoate ounce).
Closed. Beat the bottle slowly.
Well, so make a perfume of soap material. Perfume like this match directly applied or sprayed on your body.

5. Vanilla Mint Aroma Perfume
Finally, you can also make perfume from vanilla mint. The trick is very easy, live you prepare vanilla and mint leaves and empty bottles for perfume.


Mix one spoon of water with 1/8 teaspoon vanilla.
Stir and then add the mint leaves for 5 to 6 minutes.
Allow this mixture for up to one hour.
If it's been an hour, remove the mint leaves, then put this blend into a spray bottle.
And finish! You can directly enjoy this perfume.

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