Benefits of Bananas For The Face

Any use of a natural way will certainly work and last longer, but to achieve such a thing takes time and a decent process. But there's nothing wrong we try because it will be far from side effects. What exactly is the excess banana so it can make the face more beautiful? because bananas have some excellent nutrient content including Vitamin B, B6, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. Of the content is certainly very good for use in facial treatments.

And more details about what are the benefits can see some benefits of bananas for beauty below:

1.Createning Faces
Having a bright face, clean and white of course very dreamed of women. And that way now you can realize by using banana mask. Surely this way you do not need to spend expensive and more secure skin.
Eliminating Acne
People flocked to buy acne remover, but we try it with bananas that are safer side effects are safe. One of them can make facial skin becomes smoother and free of acne. As for how you serve the presentation of banana fruit meat that has been cooked or yellow. How many? just enough. Then apply a smooth banana to every part of your skin. And let stand for a while and clean. This treatment has been tried a lot and it turns out to produce good results. Keep in mind this way with a few days until the acne disappears.

2. Smooth the Face
If your skin is rough and dry, then try a mask using a banana. As a result if you regularly do it in the right way can produce a face that you desire-idamkan. The way you destroy the banana so it becomes smooth and add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir evenly. After the concoction is finished then make a mask on your face. Also do this routine in a few weeks until the skin feels smoother and softer.

3. Lifting Dead Skin Cells
Skin looks dirty and oily one of them caused dead skin cells that accumulate on the face. But with bananas you can easily remove the dead skin. The way to grab a banana and then smash it until smooth. And apply on face and let stand until dry, just say with clean water.
And bananas are not only useful for skin beauty, bananas can also be used to solve skin problems in other parts, one of them as follows:
Benefits of Banana Fruit For Skin Health

1.Menghilangkan Scars
Skin of a scar black is certainly very disturbing especially when you are a woman who looks attractive. But using a banana you can easily eliminate such problems. The way is enough templekan and slightly rub the banana peel on the troubled part.
Overcoming Itching Bites Bitten by Insects
When bitten by a skin insect will become red and appear small bumps on the bitten area of ​​the insect. But you just apply banana peel to the insect bitten and let it until the itch is gone.

2. Removing Warts on the Skin
Warts are the same as tumors, so treat them as quickly as possible. One of them tries by utilizing banana peels by rubbing regularly on the affected skin of the warts at night. And please look in a few weeks the wart will disappear.
In ancient times many people used natural ingredients and their faces and well-preserved health. That's why in this modern age we get new diseases, so let's keep using natural medicines even though modern times. One of them the benefits of bananas for facial beauty is also very good for treating facial skin problems especially women who busy every working day.

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