EVERY woman certainly has a different lipstick tip shape after wear. But you know, it turns out to reflect the personality on the wearer.
Lipstick with sharp edges
Women who have lipstick with long tip usually someone who has a strong personality, brave and have a sensual side to himself.
Lipst ik with a flat tip
Women who have lipstick with a flat tip include a woman who is smart communicating, strong, and is a good listener.
Lipstick with rounded tip
While women who have lipstick with rounded tip including a woman who is soft, feminine, and love peace. And they always show safe steps in their lives.
Lipstick with the tip as newly purchased
Women who have lipstick tips are always the same as they first bought, including women who have high self-esteem, are very detailed, creative, energetic, and happy to be noticed by their friends.
Lipstick with a concave end
The woman who has a concave lipstick tip is a sensitive, quiet, wise person, and includes an enthusiastic person in her life.