Benefits of Rice For Faces - Masks and Rice Water

1. Minimizing Pores

Facial skin graduation will also be disrupted when visible large pores on the face. It will also make the face easy to greasy and easy to grow acne as well as make dull skin. Makeup that is worn also easily fade if the skin is oily. Benefits of rice for the face is able to shrink the pores look smoother and become a way to overcome the oily face so easy to apply makeup on the face to be durable.

2. Whiten Skin

White skin becomes one of the common indicators of a woman's beauty. Treatment with rice will help keep the skin white. One of the tips to make a white skin is wearing a face mask that uses rice as its ingredients.

3. Skin Regeneration

Skin rejuvenation naturally happens to replace dead skin cells, but there are times when the process does not take place properly so that the skin becomes dull. To restore facial skin color, facial scrubs using rice can be an alternative solution. With regular skin regeneration, the face will remain bright and also free of stains and also a way of eliminating blackheads naturally.

4. Overcoming Acne

Rice contains alantonin which is anti-inflammatory, so it is good to deal with inflamed acne. The use of a regular rice mask will help overcome the problem of acne and its scars that stains the skin's graduation.
5. Tighten the Skin

Collagen production in the body decreases with age, causing the skin to slowly lose its elasticity and become sagging. Rice can be used as a mask to tighten the skin. Not only looking for ways to tighten facial skin, but you also need to know how to tighten the skin of the neck and how to remove the sagging eye bags that can improve your appearance for facial skin look tight from facial skin to the neck.

6. Anti Aging

Premature aging occurs when the skin looks aging faster than one's age. The demands of life in the present day make a person vulnerable to stress, exposed to pollution, and live an unhealthy lifestyle. All of that could be the cause of skin wrinkles at a young age. These wrinkles will be most visible on facial skin. To overcome this, many ways to prevent premature aging can be done. Among other things with how to care for the skin with rice. The content of ferulic acid in rice has antioxidant properties, so it can help fight free radicals that enter the body. These free radicals are formed in a polluted environment, becoming one of the reasons the skin has wrinkles earlier than expected. Benefits of rice for a face made into a mask is used to overcome the skin wrinkles on the face naturally.

7. Eliminate Black Spots

Black spots on the face can appear because often exposed to sunlight. Because it is very important to wear a day cream containing sunscreen to keep the face smooth and not stained. If the face is already experiencing black spots, treatment using a rice mask is very good to reduce the stain. Facial areas that often experience black spots are the nose and cheeks. Rice with a good content for the skin to be a way to remove black spots on the nose and the entire face. In addition to using rice, you can also try how to remove black spots on the face with olive oil.

8. Smooth the Skin

Smooth skin like porcelain is definitely desired by women. Various ways of treatment to smooth the skin has been found, one of them by utilizing rice that contains many vitamins.
Benefits of Rice as a Face Mask
Rice can be made into a face mask by first making it into rice flour. How to make this rice flour is as follows:

Soak the rice for the night after washing it first 3 times and filter the water of the laundry until it is completely clean from the dirt and lice of rice. Tomorrow rice mash until smooth and dry to dry, store in a closed container. Choose natural and non-preservative rice to ensure that the benefits are properly obtained.

Various kinds of face masks made from rice and mixtures there are many, some of them like the following:

1. Rice and Honey Mask

Masks made of rice and honey is useful as tips for skin to become white naturally. Mixed with honey because of the benefits of honey for a face mask such as to whiten facial skin. How: take 2 tablespoons of rice flour and 2 tablespoons of honey, stir until thickened and turned into pasta. Wear it all over the face evenly for 20-30 minutes then rinse with cold water. Use once a week.

2. Rice and Lemon Mask

The benefits of lemon for the face is to overcome the face of oily, acne and dull. Combined with the benefits of rice, the benefits of this mask the better. How to make this rice and lemon mask is: Mix rice flour sufficiently with lemon juice mixed to form cream or pasta, then wear it all over your face. Let stand until the face feels tight and hard, then rinse with warm water until clean.

3. Rice and White Egg Mask

Mask with this mixture is useful to tighten and whiten skin. How to make it is by mixing egg whites derived from one egg only with rice flour sufficiently. After the mixture thickens, apply on the facial skin evenly. Leave for 30 minutes or until the face feels tight, then rinse with warm water until clean. It is also possible to use a facial cleanser so that the stench of the egg does not stick. There is also the benefit of eggs for hair by using egg whites and yellows.

4. Rice Mask and Fresh Yoghurt

The use of a mixture of rice and yogurt is useful to prevent wrinkles or premature aging of the skin. The trick prepare a mixture of rice flour sufficiently and yoghurt tasteless, stirring to form a thick paste. Wear on face, can also up to the neck. After the concoction feels tight, wipe with warm water.

5. Rice Mask and Apple Vinegar

Not only are there benefits of apple vinegar for hair, but apple vinegar also has properties for facial skin. There are two kinds of mixture of rice mask and apple vinegar:

The first mixture is also added wheat flour and water. Point to overcome wrinkles on the face. How to mix 2 tablespoons of wheat flour and water first, then cooked until boiling. After the cold add 2 tablespoons of rice flour and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar. Apply from face to neck until it dries, then cleaned.
The second blend is by using rice, milk and apple vinegar. Its purpose is to smooth the skin and brighten the skin. Way, mix the rice flour sufficiently with two drops of apple vinegar and a few drops of milk until evenly distributed. Wear until the face feels tight, then rinse thoroughly.

6. Rice and Sugar Mask

With a mixture of this mask you will get the benefits of facial exfoliation is to clean the face of dirt left behind, help skin rejuvenation, manghaluskan and disguise the stain on the face. How to refine sugar and rice at the same time, in sufficient quantities. Add yogurt to keep it dry. Wear it on the face while rubbing loop slowly, then rinse thoroughly.

7. Rice Mask with Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the ingredients used as a way to eliminate blackheads naturally. The mixture with nutritious rice becomes a facial scrub. Mix the baking soda and rice flour sufficiently then add a few drops of honey. After the mixture is evenly distributed, apply on face to neck until it feels dry, then clean.

8. Rice and Tomato Mask

Benefits of tomatoes for the face is whiten, overcome the acne and oily skin, smooth and protect the skin and shrink the skin pores. That's why tomatoes combined with the benefits of rice for the face can solve this problem. Way by mixing the tomatoes that have been washed and mashed with rice flour sufficiently, then the mixture is applied to the face. After silenced from 20 minutes to 30 minutes or until the face feels tight, clean the mask thoroughly with warm water. Not only the benefits of tomatoes for the skin, there are also benefits of tomatoes for eyebrows, among others, to thicken the eyebrows.
Benefits of Rice Washing Water
Not only obtained from rice grains made into face masks, rice water washing water can we use to care for the skin. Benefits of rice water for the skin can be obtained by washing the face using the water used rice washing. In addition, it can also be used as a toner to clean the face of the rice flour filter water. The trick is to smooth the rice that has been soaked. Once smooth, soak again with water on a sterile container until it forms a precipitate. The sediment can be used as a mask and water to clean the face.

Before wearing a mask, remember to wash your face first. Masks will not be efficacious and seep well if the pores of the face is still covered by dirt or oil. Do not forget also to use good quality rice and not preserved, to ensure the results of its natural benefits can still be felt.

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