10 Benefits of Almonds For Beauty

1.Make Healthy Skin

Problem skin can be overcome with almonds. Dry, scaly, dull skin and various skin problems can be treated with almonds. Consuming almonds on a regular basis can also make the skin become younger. The content of vitamin E in almonds is also beneficial to improve skin beauty and health. Vitamin E in almonds can prevent skin damage caused by exposure to UV rays that attack the skin.

2. Prevent Free Radicals

Free radicals are not very friendly with beauty. Free radicals that affect the skin directly can cause acne, black spots, oil, blackheads and skin cancer. Consuming almonds regularly is useful to counteract free radicals. If free radicals can be denied, various health problems and various beauty problems can be prevented.

3. Creating Healthy Hair

Healthy hair is everyone's dream. Unfortunately not everyone can have healthy hair. Hair problems such as fall out, dandruff, itchy scalp, and brittle hair can be prevented using almonds. Here is the content of almonds are beneficial to create healthy hair:

Vitamin E in almonds is beneficial for healthy hair.
Biotin is useful to prevent hair loss.
Mangan is beneficial for the scalp, its function is to nourish the scalp and avoid itching.
The content of copper in almonds is beneficial to nourish hair tissue.
Essential fatty acids are beneficial for maintaining health and avoiding hair loss.
The content of zinc inside almonds is beneficial to renew the hair cells on the scalp, thereby making the hair thrive.
Smooth the Skin
Almonds that have been made into almond oil are beneficial to smooth the skin. The content of almond oil contains minerals and also essential fatty acids that are good for the skin.

4.Membembab Skin

The content of vitamin E in almonds is beneficial to moisturize the skin. Consuming it regularly can create a moist skin.

5. Lifting Dead Skin Cells

The skin has dead skin cells, the dead skin cells can make skin look dull. The oil content in almonds can be useful to remove dead skin cells that make skin look more radiant. You can consume almonds or use almond nut oil as a hand body to remove dead skin cells.

6. Eliminate Panda Eyes

Vitamin E in almonds can be useful to remove panda eyes in the eye circle. The trick is a few drops of almond oil mixed with honey drip. Dip the cotton and apply it to the eye circle.

7. Eliminating Swollen Eyes

Swollen eyes can be removed with almond oil mixed with a few drops of honey. The way is equal to eliminating panda eyes.

8. Make Natural Blush Lips

Natural blush lips are a dream for everyone, especially women. The trick is to make almonds as oil or we can buy almond oil that has been made, then before bed apply on the lips. In the morning wash using cold water.

9. Make Long Eyelashes

Almonds that have been extracted into oil can be useful to lengthen the lashes. The trick is to dip mascara into almond oil and then applied to the lashes.

10. Providing Adequate Nutrition For Skin

The skin also needs to be in nutrients to the inside to be free from various problems. That's why consuming almonds can provide adequate nutrition for the skin. The content of vitamin E and various other vitamins that are in the almond nuts can nourish the skin so that the skin free of wrinkles, fine lines and various other skin problems

Benefits of almonds was not only for health, but also good to overcome various skin problems and beauty.

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