20 Benefits of Green Tea for Acne and Oily Faces Benefits of Green Tea for Face

Many cosmesticists are beginning to use green tea as a base for making their products. Want to know what are the benefits of green tea for facial beauty? Let's look at some of the benefits of green tea for the following faces:

1. Overcoming Oily Skin

The cause of oily skin is high levels of oil on the surface of the face and often the cause of acne. How to prevent oily skin? Keep the green tea dipped in the water in the refrigerator. The next day, use this green tea by rubbing it flat on the face. Do this every day.

2. Overcoming Acne

Benefits of green tea to overcome the acne prone skin is very easy, mix the tea leaves that have dipped hot water or warm water with egg whites, od flat and use as a mask. If used every day the benefits of green tea will prove to dry out the acne and remove the scars. (Read also: How to remove black spots acne scars)

3. Eliminate Panda Eyes

One way to remove eye bags or panda eyes is to use green tea. The trick is to dip the green tea into boiling water, drain it, then store it in the refrigerator. After freezing compress on the eyelid. You will get a fresh eye appearance. Do it every day because removing panda eyes takes time. (Read also: How to remove eye bags in 3 days - How to remove wrinkles in the eyes)

4. Caring for Sunburned Skin

For those who often have more activities in the open usually have a red spot on the face area. The benefits of green tea for reddish skin is very easy and practical. How to? Sprinkle two tablespoons of green tea leaves, then let stand until cool. Strain the tea leaves using a soft cloth, use the cloth to compress the exposed face of the sun. Do it every day.

5. Protect the Skin from Sunlight

In addition to treating burning skin, the benefits of other green tea is as one way to prevent skin burn. The trick is to do compressing 30 minutes or 1 hour before doing outdoor activities on skin exposed to sunlight.

6. Smooth and Soften Skin Face

Having a soft and smooth facial skin is every woman's dream. If we use facial scrubs from green tea and used every day, then the benefits of green tea will make your skin smoother and softer. How to make? Mix 1 spoon of cornmeal or oatmeal with tea leaves that have been brewed with hot water. Store in refrigerator. Use as a facial scrub then rinse with warm water. Be careful, this way does not apply to those that have sensitive skin traits.

7. Overcoming Dry Skin

For women who have dry skin problems, can try the benefits of green tea to overcome them. How to cope with dry skin on the face is by mixing 3 tablespoons oatmeal, lemon juice and a few spoons of green tea water. After that wipe this herb on the entire face as a mask, while massaged with a circular motion. Let stand about 15 minutes then rinse with cold water.

8. Face tightening

Green tea has vitamin E that can help to maintain skin elasticity, premature aging and prevent wrinkles. How to tighten facial skin with green tea is to brew this tea with hot water at night, let stand up to overnight. Use this green tea water to wash your face in the morning. Do it regularly.
9. Eliminate Irritation on the Face

Irritation of the facial skin is often experienced by women who have sensitive skin. Skin irritation is usually caused by mosquito bites, incompatible with cosmestic or other things. How to treat a sensitive face? Use the green tea dregs and use as a mask on the affected part of the face. Let stand for 15 minutes.

10. Prevent Premature Aging

The content of antioxidants are very high in green tea is very helpful to prevent premature aging due to frequent exposure to sunlight, so the face raises black spots and bitnik-spots on certain parts. How to prevent premature aging? Combine 3 tablespoons of plain yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of green that has been soaked in hot water and a little turmeric powder. Let stand for 20 minutes, Use this mask twice a week.

11. Cleaning the Face

If you are accustomed to consume green tea, then indirectly you've done face care from within. For external treatment you can use the dregs as a natural face cleanser, pour the leaves of green tea leaves into the bowl. Give a few drops of honey then use as a mask, let stand about 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

19. Removing Blackheads

How to remove stubborn blackheads can be by using green tea dregs that have been settled overnight. Rub the dregs of green tea on the nasal area that contain blackheads. Do it regularly and daily. Do not forget to always clean the face after doing the activity to prevent acne does not reappear

20. Eliminate the Strip

The benefits of stale tea for the face is to disguise the striped skin on the face that is very disturbing appearance. Using stale green tea dregs for a face mask can help to disguise facial skin on the face.

In addition to using green tea for a face mask, you should also drink green tea regularly. The content of catechins and polyphonal in green tea is highest compared to ordinary tea. But remember you should not consume green tea in an empty stomach condition, because it can trigger stomach acid disease. Green tea also should not be taken along with the medicine. In sick conditions you should not consume green tea.

The best time to drink green tea is after breakfast, before lunch and dinner, all day a little bit and an hour or more before bedtime. Please choose one alternative above, green tea is very good if drunk should not be too excessive. Drinking green tea regularly will help the digestive system and facilitate the body to detoxify toxins in the body.

You will get the benefits of green tea to the maximum, because a clean and healthy face depends on a healthy digestive system. If you have a medical disorder should consult with your doctor about whether or not the rules of green tea consumption. Thus the explanation of the benefits of green tea for face and beauty. Hopefully information on green tea is very useful.

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