9 Benefits of Green Coffee For Diet and Health

Food and beverages made from herbal ingredients are currently being talked about many people because it has been proven more secure than using chemical drugs as a treatment or just as a supplement. Well, now there is one type of herbal drink that is being sought by many people to improve their health, especially in losing weight. The herbal ingredients are green coffe or green coffee. Green coffe fame is not as good as the type of black coffee in general, but the benefits of this is very good for health.

The benefits of green coffee is the most highlighted is because it is able to lose weight significantly and safely. Having an ideal body shape is very much a dream for many people both the adam and the weaker sex. By having an ideal body and avoid overweight or obesity also indirectly will make you will avoid some of the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and others.

What is green coffee?

Then what exactly is green coffee? Why is this existence highly sought after by many people for health and lose weight? So green coffee or green coffee is coffee beans that have not baked alias that is still raw. So naturally the coffee beans are green instead of black as you usually know. Coffee beans become black due to roasting process. The benefits of green coffee is considered better than black coffee beans.

The content of green coffee nutrition

Here are some of the benefits of green coffe that is very good for health and lose weight:
High antioxidants and chlorogenic acid
Scientifically, green coffee beans contain high antioxidants and other active pharmacologic components. there are at least two types of excellent substance content of green coffee is caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic content is believed by many people to lose weight optimally and potent. But unfortunately the content of these substances will be very easy to lose during the roasting process. For this reason then why black kopo seeds can not give effect as given by green coffee beans.

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Another very popular content in coffee beans is caffeine in general. Perhaps most of you assume that caffeine is not very good for the body because it can create disorders of several organs of the body. it is actually not true, caffeine itself naturally provide benefits to the body can increase the metabolism to be up to 3-11% but this benefit will be optimal if there is chlorogenic acid in it and consumed properly in a sense not excessive.

Scientific research green coffee

Nutrition and health experts have been doing research and getting surprising results from this green coffee bean. the results showed that chlorogenic acid substances can help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates that occur in the digestive organs of the colon. This is of course very good because it can make the body into low calorie absorption and help produce more insulin hormone. With this fact the green beans can improve blood sugar levels and also control blood pressure so it is very good for people with diabetes and stroke and heart disease.
A study has also been conducted using rat samples, where the results are chlorogenic acid substances able to lose weight and reduce fat accumulation in the body. fats that often accumulate in the liver can also be minimized and able to help improve the hormone in charge of burning fat. In the same study also obtained results where chlorogenic acid substances can lower cholesterol levels, which is very bad cholesterol for health.
Research has also been done on humans where using extract from green coffee beans. This study used a sample of 30 people and the duration of the study lasted for 12 weeks. In the study then the sample was divided into two groups where one group consumed the usual instant black coffee and the other half consumed 200 mg of coffee added green coffee. The samples are not instructed to change their diet or diet but they continue to do activities as usual without changing anything in their daily life. The results obtained from this study are those who consume instant coffee that has been added with green coffee bean extract lost weight of 5.4 kg in 12 weeks. As for the sample that only consume instant black coffee is usually only able to lose weight as much as 3.7 kg only. the percentage of the amount of fat in the body also experienced a difference where those who consume green coffee decreased by 3.6% while for other groups only 0.7%.
Scientific evidence that has been studied on the extract of green coffee beans certainly can make you more trust and no doubt on the benefits that can be given by green coffee is not it? But you should also pay attention to the dose. In general the exact dosage is as much as 120-300 mg per day and taken at least 30 minutes before meals. Moreover, until now has not found side effects from the use of this green coffee. to be able to get the optimal benefits of green coffee seed extract is to lose weight then you should consume this green coffee seed extract on a regular basis. But of course not only that, you also have to pay attention to your diet pattern and exercise pattern so that there will be maximal again.

For Diet
In the discussion this time will be described why green coffee or green coffee is very good for weight loss. Here is a review for you.

1. Helps fat burning
The content that is in green coffee among them are various types of minerals and vitamins. The content will be able to help increase the body's metabolism so it can make the process of burning fat faster and more potent than usual. This will be especially optimal if you dress it with the right sports and routine.

2. Pressing hunger
Another benefit of green coffee to help you lose weight is to suppress hunger. With this will benefit you so you do not eat too much and often. This benefit you will get also when you use the way of water diet to lose weight.

3. Rich antioxidants
One of the many nutrients found in green coffee beans is an antioxidant in which the function of these antioxidants is to help replace new cells that are exposed to free radicals. Antioxidants will also help maintain blood sugar levels so as to prevent the destruction or death of skin cells.

4.Meningkatkan body metabolism
The content of chlorogenic acid in green coffee will be produced by the body as a natural antioxidant of the body so that with these antioxidants will help improve your body's metabolic system. So by eating green coffee this will not only make your tongue termanjakan with taste but also you will get the usefulness.

5.Reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)
Bad cholesterol (LDL) is often the culprit of several serious diseases in the body such as heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure due to the occlusion of blood vessels or which is also often referred to as cardiovascular disease. Research proves that by eating green coffee regularly and regularly can reduce the risk of high cholesterol.

6.Reduce free radicals
Again the chlorogenic acid content in green coffee has the effect of counteracting free radicals 10 times more effective than other types of coffee. this un-roasted or roasted green coffee bean also has excellent ingredients for skin health and prevents premature aging such as folifenol and ferulic acids.

7. For Health
Once you know the benefits of green coffee to lose weight, then you also need to know that green coffee is also beneficial to other body health. what are they? Here are some lists for you:

8. Lower blood pressure
High blood pressure disease or hypertension is a type of disease that is very wary to watch because it can be a silent killer. High blood pressure does not show specific symptoms but if it will look after already severe or because it is complicated with other diseases. one of the intake of foods that can lower high blood pressure is to consume green coffee.

This has been done research where using a sample of 117 men who have high blood pressure. then they consume green coffee mixed with fake for 28 days. Then the results obtained were their blood pressure showed a significant decrease.

9.Another benefit of green coffee for health is able to overcome Alzheimer's disease. This disease is a disease of mental disorders due to damage to the nerves of the brain. By consuming green coffee regularly will be able to help overcome this azheimer disease later.

10. Fight insulin resistance
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas gland. The function of this insulin hormone is very important as a place to convert sugar into energy in the body. but sometimes this insulin may be damaged or resistant because of some good things from abnormal body condition or because of incorrect food intake such as eating too much sugar so that the work of insulin becomes over-drive until finally damaged function. To prevent this from happening you can consume this green coffee regularly and make your body healthier.

11. Although green coffee or green coffee is good for health but keep in mind all that is not good excessive including in consuming green coffee. Consumption of green coffee in the long run can cause maikanya levels of homosistesin which is an amino acid that can damage the heart's performance and cause heart disease. Therefore you need to consult a doctor if you want to consume green coffee in the long run.

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