bitter gourd Can Make Skin Bright and Brilliant

Pare is widely known as one of the vegetables that has a very bitter taste. Although bitter, in reality enough people who like to consume this vegetable. Pare is also often used as a mixture of foods like dumplings because it is considered to have enough benefits for the health of the body. However. Did you know if bitter melon also can provide benefits for the beauty of our skin?

Health experts say that bitter bitter is rich in protein and vitamin content that can support skin health and beauty. Not only that, in pare we can find calcium content two times more when compared with that in spinach.

To get maximum benefit from bitter melon for beauty and skin health, we just need to make it into a mask. According to beauty experts, pare mask will make our facial skin more healthy, brighter, and radiant. Pare mask is also mentioned can make the face cleaner than various kinds of dirt and dust. Not only make the facial skin becomes cleaner, protein content and vitamin pare can nourish the skin to make it more beautiful and luminous.

So, what can we do to maximize pare as a natural ingredient that makes our facial skin more beautiful? We just need to prepare the washed pare. Afterwards, pare stay juiced until soft. After so, we just need to apply this pare juice evenly on the face and then leave it to five minutes for the nutrients to seep on the skin. Afterwards, we just rinse face with cold water.
If we use this pare mask every day, then gradually our facial skin will become more healthy, beautiful, and bright. We too will become more confident with this condition.

Benefits of Pare Based on the Gizinya Content

Pare vegetables are very low in calories, with only 17 calories per 100g. However, not only that pare also contains phytonutrients, fiber, minerals, vitamins and anti oxidants. And together provide benefits for the health of the body:

Phyto Nutrien - Pare contains phyto especially P-polypeptide that is plant insulin which is known to lower blood sugar level. In addition, a hypoglycemic agent called charantin increases the absorption of glucose and glycogen synthesis in liver cells, muscle and adipose tissue. Together, these pare compounds have been considered responsible for the decrease in blood sugar levels in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Folate - Fresh Pare is an excellent folate source of about 72 mg / 100 g (18% of RDA). Folate, when consumed by the mother during early pregnancy time will help reduce the onset of neural tube defects in newborns.
Vitamin C - Fresh Pare is an excellent source of vitamin C (100 g of raw pare provides 84 mg or about 140% of RDI). Benefits of vitamin C is one of the powerful natural antioxidants and helps bind free radicals that damage the human body.
Flavanoid - Flavanoid is an excellent source of health. The benefits of flavonoids such as ß-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It also contains a number of vitamin A. These compounds help protect against free-radical oxygen free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging, cancer and various diseases.
Vitamin B Complex - In addition, it is a moderate source of vitamin B complex such as niacin (vitamin B-3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and magnesium.
Fiber - Pare can stimulate easy digestion and peristaltic movement of food through the intestine until excreted in the body. Thus, this will help in reducing indigestion and constipation problems.

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