These 5 Mistakes Are Often Done When Taking Care of Dry and Rough Skin

Dry skin and wrinkles are a big problem for some people. It is very important to pay attention to everything that is done when treating dry and rough skin.

  The following are some of the most common mistakes and are still often done today while treating dry and rough skin. Anything?

1. You focus on treatment, not prevention

It's easy to see dry skin, apply moisturizer, then repeat the process as needed. This method will not really help you at all.

If you are prone to dry skin, start using moisturizers every day after taking a shower. If you are still lazy to do it regularly, dry skin will continue to be a problem, even worse.

2. Don't use a mask before going to bed

Night care is actually very easy to do. Serum and moisturizing are the routines that you have actually begun to do.

In addition, facial masks are also important to provide hydration, overcome redness, and cracked skin. Have you used to using a mask before going to bed to overcome dry skin problems?

3. Using oil-based moisturizers

Understand your skin type and needs. Avoid oil-based products and instead, look for moisturizers with lactic acid because the acid content will remove the dead skin layer better than oil-rich moisturizers.

4. Use a type of fabric that suits the skin

Do not use an abrasive cloth to rub off dead skin layers. Use a soft type of cloth and rub it in a circular motion.

5. You don't moisturize the skin in the right way

Look for products that will penetrate easily into the skin. Morning is the best time to moisturize, especially after you have finished bathing.

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