15 Benefits of Noni Fruit For Beauty and Body Health

Noni plants thrives on Indonesian soil. The native plants of Southeast Asia and Australia are often ignored and only become shrubs behind the house. But do you know? Apparently mengkudu fruit has many benefits for beauty and health of your body. Want to know what are the benefits of Noni fruit? Let's look at the following description.

1. Treating Acne

The first benefit of Noni fruit for beauty that can be used to treat acne. Acne is a problem for some teenagers can be overcome with mengkudu juice because it is anti oxidant. How to treat acne with mengkudu is to smooth the fruit mengkudu. Before applying it to a face mask, you should first wash your face with warm water. It aims to cleanse the face of dirt and open the pores of the skin so that the juice can easily nourish the skin. After washing your face, apply a smooth fruit mengkudu to the entire face and let stand for 20 minutes before rinsing.

2. Smooth the Skin
In addition to treating acne, mengkudu fruit can also smooth the skin. Almost all women would want a soft and soft skin. To produce a smooth skin, you can do the treatment naturally using noni fruit. Before doing this treatment, you must smooth the fruit mengkudu manually or using a blender. After that u add a few drops of olive oil and honey and mix well. If all ingredients are mixed, use the material as body scrub.

3. Eliminate Dull
For those of you who have a dry skin type, surely you always deal with facial skin problems are dull. You can overcome the problem by using noni fruit. The trick is almost the same as how to treat acne with noni fruit. Blend first mengkudu then make as a face mask. Leave the mask mengkudu for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Do it regularly to keep the moisturizer coolies so that your skin is protected from dull.

4. Treating Dermatitis
Some people do outdoor activities during the day. This makes the skin inflamed because of too much exposure to sunlight. Though UV light contained in sunlight can harm the skin and cause cancer. Treating inflamed skin due to solar radiation can be done naturally using noni fruit. Apply a refined noni fruit to inflamed skin or reddish. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with water. The treatment can be done regularly until the skin returns to normal.

5. Overcoming Hair Loss
Noni fruit was also efficacious for hair beauty. One of its usefulness is to overcome hair loss. Noni fruit contains some vitamins and minerals that can smooth blood circulation in the head. In addition, vitamin content also nourishes the scalp so it can strengthen the hair roots. Hair loss treatment with Noni juice can be done from outside or inside. Treatment from the inside is done by consuming fruit juice directly. While the treatment from the outside can be done by mixing the fruit mengkudu with duck egg yolk. After the two ingredients are well mixed, apply on the scalp and leave for up to 25 minutes before rinsing with clean water.

6. Eliminate Dandruff
Further efficacy of noni fruit for hair beauty that can eliminate dandruff. Dandruff is a trivial problem, but it sometimes lowers one's confidence. Dandruff can also be a cause of hair loss. To combat dandruff, you can apply mengkudu juice on the scalp. Do not forget to clean the hair until clean after using the mask of noni fruit.

7. Lose Weight
One of the other benefits of mengkudu is weight loss. This is because mengkudu produce nitric oxide in the body. This nitric oxide attracts fat cells in the body and processes them into energy. The more nitric oxide is produced the more fat that turns into energy, so the fat in the body becomes reduced and eventually the weight will go down.

8. Lower Cholesterol
The next benefit of mengkudu fruit is to lower cholesterol. The occurrence of dyslipidemia is characterized by increased levels of cholesterol in the blood resulting in increased cardiovascular disease. The disease can be avoided by consuming noni fruit. A study proves that water and mengkudu fruit extract can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

9. Reduce the risk of Diabetes
A study conducted by the Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Medicine Hospital has proven that Noni fruit juice is more effectively used to control blood sugar levels. This is because mengkudu juice contains useful compounds such as saponins and triterpenes. These compounds are very beneficial for patients with diabetes and those who are avoiding diabetes.

10. Preventing Stroke
Consuming juice mengkudu was also able to protect you from stroke. This is caused mengkudu juice is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Juice mengkudu contain compounds called nitric acid is useful in helping blood vessels become more elastic. If the blood vessels are elastic then the blood circulation becomes more smoothly. While the circulation or circulation of blood smoothly to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

11. Anti Cancer
One of the benefits of the most important noni fruit is as an anti-cancer. In fact, noni fruit is rich in polysaccharide compounds that can suppress the growth of new cancer cells. In addition, noni fruit also contains anti-oxidant components that can boost immunity. If any of the seseoran already have cancer, anti-cancer properties of the mengkudu fruit is also able to treat cancer.

12. Preventing Cataracts
Cataract is a vision problem marked by the blurring of your view of an object. The cause of cataract disease is high sugar levels. In some cases, diabetics have swollen eye lenses and cause cataracts. In accordance with research that has been done, mengkudu fruit extract helps maintain eye clarity so as to prevent the occurrence of cataracts

13. Maintain the Health of the Heart
Diabetes has a bad effect on the liver or liver. The risk of fatty liver disease that causes scarring is higher. Though the heart is one of the important organs in the body that serves to neutralize the poison. Risk of liver damage can be overcome by consuming noni fruit. Noni juice juice can degenerate fat in the liver so that the health of the heart is maintained.

14. Streamlining Menstruation
Especially for women, noni fruit can be consumed regularly to facilitate menstrual cycle. Noni fruit is also analgesic so it can reduce the pain that usually experienced by women who are menstruating. The natural tranquility of the Noni fruit can keep you calm in the face of the body hormones that are fluctuating. Obstetricians also recommend pregnant women to consume noni fruit because it can protect the uterus from the risk of miscarriage.

15. Overcoming Stress
Low levels of serotine in the body can cause mood swings, anxiety disorders and stress. Melantonin contained in the noni fruit can keep the body's rhythm balance so that the body is protected from stress and depression. A study revealed that consuming mengkudu juice to overcome stress, reduce anxiety, and overcome sleep disorders.

That was the description of the 15 benefits of noni fruit for beauty and body health. This fruit does have a bad taste and not much liked by many people. But if you want to feel the direct benefits of noni fruit, you can consume them with honey or other foods that can mask the original taste of the noni fruit. Good luck!

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